
Picture of Stephan Szugat. Photo created by Foto-Gossler.de

Who am I?

I am called Stephan Szugat.

What is my Story?

In business life, it all started with an apprenticeship in Wholesale and Exports.

After that I was going to study but decided to stop it and went to work. It happened to me that I worked mostly for North-America based Company Groups.

Right from the start I had the chance to learn all about Finance and Accounting up to Company Group Consolidations, Controlling and Business Processes.

By the End of 1999 I decided to work on a self-employed basis, thus I could serve more companies at the same time. With the time, the assignments changed towards Interim-Management assignments up to the position of a CFO.

Industry Knowledge

Not to mention all the different industries which I had the chance to learn about:

  • Car Repair and Sales,
  • Waste Management,
  • Venture Capital,
  • Personal Recruitment,
  • Software Development,
  • Special Ceramic Productions and
  • Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing of automated Production Lines for Life Science Products and Electric Motors).

Over the last years I recognized that I was getting more involved with Business Strategy as well as coaching. The latter took a while for me to clearly recognize, but anytime I presented the numbers of a business, the discussions were going away from the numbers towards Strategy and Coaching.

At the beginning, the coaching was more like a confirmation / feedback of the work and ideas of the respective CEO.

Therefore, I decided to learn more about coaching, especially how to do it in a structured way. Today I love to coach as it always works, and it could be seen in the person coached immediately. Thus, you and I see the results immediately.

But sometimes it may take some time to see the impact. Though, patience and the willingness to work on yourself if very important.

How was the Name S2 Executive Coaching created?

S2 is one way how the initials of my Name could be visualized. This is a far more appropriate way as to use my initials in the business name. If you know German History, you understand why.

Unique Interrelations Coaching Model

Due to the above experiences, it was clear to me that my coaching approach must reflect my knowledge about Finance & Accounting, Business Process Management, and all the other complex issues of Business Management. Therefore, the Interrelations Coaching Model consists of seven business areas, which could be flexibly arranged and cover the areas of high impact in any business. Read more about the -Interrelations- Coaching Model…

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