
The following are some information about the cookies which might be set when you use our Website. 

aelia_user_logged_insessionWhen the browsing session endsThis cookie is needed for our shop system, and it is related to VAT ID checking.
Database storagepersistentuntil deleted by userThese are data from our website which are saved locally on your computer to load the site faster. These data will be deleted when you clear your browser history. No tracking is possible with these data, nor do they include any personal information. Saving data on your computer may not be used by our Website.
Local storagepersistentuntil deleted by userThese are also some small files from our site to allow the site to load faster. No tracking or personal data involved with this cookie. Saving data on your computer may not be used by our Website.
moove_gdpr_popuppersistent7 DaysThis cookie saves your preferences about the cookies you had accepted on our website. It helps us to recognize if you accepted tracking or not.
PHPSESSIDsessionWhen browser session endsThis cookie is needed as this allows the Content Management System we use to identify you as a user and just show you the pages you requested. No personal data are saved with this cookie.
redux_blastpersistent3 DaysThis cookie is used during the Checkout Process of our Shopping System.
tk_aisessionWhen the browsing session endsAnother cookie used by our Checkout Process.
wfwaf-authcookie-persistent1 DayA cookie used by our firewall, which helps us to keep your data save.
woocommerce_cart_hashsessionWhen the browsing session endsThis is a cookie of our shopping system, which controls the cart.
woocommerce_items_in_cartsessionWhen the browsing session endsAnother cookie of our shopping system, which controls the items in your cart.
wordpress_logged_in_sessionWhen the browsing session endsA cookie used to handle your login to our website’s members area.
wordpress_lp_guestpersistent1 hourThis cookie is related to our Learning / Course System.
wp_learn_press_session_persistent2 DaysThis cookie is also related to our Learning / Course System.
wp_woocommerce_session_persistent2 DaysA cookie for the shopping session.
mautic_device_idsessionWhen the browsing session endsMautic Device ID collection. Cookie is only set when you accept cookies.
mautic_referer_idsession30 MinutesMautic collecting the referrer URL where the visit was coming from. Cookie is only set when you accept cookies.
mtc_idsessionWhen browser session endsThis is a Cookie from Mautic, which will only be added when you have given your consent to tracking.
mtc_sidsessionWhen browser session endsThis is a Cookie from Mautic, which will only be added when you have given your consent to tracking.
__wpdm_clientsessionWhen browser session endsA cookie from our Download System.
__stripe_midpersistent1 yearThis cookie is from Stripe, one of the Payment Gateways we use.
__stripe_sidpersistent30 minutesThis cookie is from Stripe, one of the Payment Gateways we use.

To disable all cookies through the browser, click on the corresponding link below and follow the instructions: Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer OperaSafari. In case you decide to disable all cookies in your Browser, our website will not work correctly. We recommend setting your Browser to delete all cookies when you close your Browser-Session.